A handy ruby trick: Class.new
Today I learned that you can pass a block to Class.new, like so:
klass = Class.new do
def self.speak
>> klass.speak
=> "hi!
This is a handy for creating one-off classes; the kind you'll throw away quickly.
It's likely that you'd do this during tests. Here's a test in active_support that uses this technique:
class ClassAttributeAccessorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@class = Class.new do
cattr_accessor :foo
cattr_accessor :bar, :instance_writer => false
cattr_reader :shaq, :instance_reader => false
# Now grab an instance of our new class
@object = @class.new
# Elided: tests that make sure the cattr_accessor method behaves
Another thing I picked up at the same time: you can pass a constant to Class.new and it will set that as the superclass:
>> klass = Class.new(String)
=> #
>> klass.superclass
=> String
Here's another test from Rails. This one makes use of both tricks I just showed you:
test "configuration is crystalizeable" do
parent = Class.new { include ActiveSupport::Configurable }
child = Class.new(parent)
# ...